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Old 02-14-2013, 06:52 AM   #13
Join Date: Dec 2010
Default Re: Somatic and Verbal Components

I quite like that table, it's a good breakdown. When I was first writing up this setting I was using a lot more of those sorts of components. The limitation nerf was introduced both for my own sanity and to set hard limits on the point break folks could get for things being onerous - the setting is sort of mages-as-superheroes, and I don't want to encourage undue hinderance on the powers. That said, I also houserule FP costs to be a much bigger break than they are by RAW - I'm trying to encourage one flavor of things and discourage the other, although I've been finding the propensity for players to take "all of the above, -80%" as the end-point limitation choice.
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