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Old 01-09-2018, 05:49 PM   #20
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Tyler, Texas
Default Re: Fantasy Trip Glitches, Contradictions, Ambiguities

Thrown weapons talent - should it help with EVERY thrown weapon (specifically, I’m thinking of the net and the thrown nunchuks)?

Consider if it would be a good idea to allow figures to change facing at no MA cost after all movement has been done. Consider a figure that loses initiative but begins with an enemy in his front left and front right hexes. He can’t shift because doing so would break engagement. When the enemy figures move, each of them shifts into his side hexes. In combat, he can’t attack either of them. Worse, each of them gets a +2 DX for attacking his side.

Snap Shot. Consider an advanced rule allowing figures to fire a readied missile weapon during the movement phase to prevent “panzer bushing”. I’d suggest that you allow a figure who is eligible to fire in a turn to “hold fire” and fire in the movement phase of the following turn. To discourage gratuitous use of this ability, I’d impose a -2 DX if the firer shoots during the enemy movement phase. If he waits until the combat phase, no modifier. A figure that makes a “snap shot” like this shouldn’t be able to fire in the COMBAT phase. If the figure has enough adjDX to fire two shots, I’d let him fire them both as snap shots or hold one for the combat phase. (This rule would be very important for higher tech TFT variants).

I generally discouraged peculiar weapons in my campaigns, so I didn’t get as much exposure to any glitches with them. Boomerangs and bolas are the exception, which I’ve mentioned earlier. Has anyone else found any peculiar weapon issues?

Definitely keep the ability for Wizards to use silver weapons.

How do you imprison wizards? Perhaps manacles can be made out of some substance - copper or magnetic iron - that will completely jam magic? Maybe spells have minor material components that the wizard can be deprived of?

Should wizards be able to take the quarterstaff talent at normal cost?

I would suggest that if a wizard throws his staff at a target and hits it, the staff does NOT explode. Rationale is that the wizard actually wants to hit the target. The staff only explodes if the wizard doesn’t want someone to touch it. Consider eliminating exploding staves altogether.

Should charge attacks with pole weapons require that the pole weapon be used 2 handed? Other than lances. Should probably note somewhere that mounted charge attacks require stirrups.

Last edited by tbeard1999; 02-06-2018 at 01:44 PM. Reason: Edited text in "snap shot" section
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