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Old 06-30-2012, 08:59 PM   #13
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Default Re: DF: Forgotten Realms Martial-Arts Styles

Originally Posted by DouglasCole View Post
Seems like adding Telegraphic to the second attack (the actual remise) would cover some of this. You get +4 because everything's already lined up from the previous attack, but he gets +2 because, well, you're doing lather, rinse, repeat.
Originally Posted by vierasmarius View Post
Perhaps you could make a technique similar to Counter Attack, except that instead of imposing a defense penalty after you parry an enemy attack, it imposes a defense penalty if your own attack succeeds but is parried (or possibly if dodged/blocked). It would also need to be at the same general hit location, though it might shift slightly (from Torso to Vitals, for example). It doesn't require Rapid Strike, since it would apply whether your follow-up attack was the same second or the next. [...]
While those suggestions go in opposite directions, they both make sense in their own way. It does seem reasonable that, if it's expected, the second attack might be easier to defend against ... but I agree with vierasmarius that the intent of the follow-up strike is most likely to exploit an opening, or otherwise make an unexpected second strike. This being a cinematic technique for use as a Dungeon Fantasy power-up, I'm inclined to go with that intent.

I especially like the idea of the target getting a penalty if he tries to re-use the same defense against the second attack ... although, if it's built as a Rapid Strike, that's at least partly covered by the fact that he already gets a penalty for multiple parries, and can't block again if he already did (unless the game uses multiple blocks, but even then it's at -5).

In that case, the main benefit is to get him to use his best defense against your first attack, so you can slip another one in that he'll have a harder time stopping. Hmm... I'll have to give it some more thought.
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