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Old 09-12-2019, 09:07 PM   #30
jason taylor
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Location: Portland, Oregon
Default Re: Has anyone ever tried to create campaign based on Plato's Repuplic?

Originally Posted by tshiggins View Post
Communities such as those (which Marx referred to, in the aggregate, as "primitive communism") have no need of laws or formal governments.

Everybody knows everybody, the culture (to the extent any exists, at all) is wholly homogeneous, and kinship ties are well-understood.

That means any conflict can be (and usually is) resolved through either personal vendetta, or enforced conformity via social pressures backed by threat of exile.

No need for government, there and no social classes, either.
Actually they do. They just don't have need of piles of red tape bigger than the Talmud and less aesthetically pleasing reflecting judgements about gobs of people with gobs of different specialties. Everybody needs laws because they have to have some idea what comes next. It is just that the laws are enforced differently and it is hard to tell them from custom because there is no clear line.

For instance if they have no way to end vendettas, they will have a generations long attempt at mutual genocide. And it will cause so many casualties in the end that it is a toss up whether or not it is be just as well if one tribe just wipes out or enslaves the other instead of dragging the mess out and getting more people killed.
"The navy could probably win a war without coffee but would prefer not to try"-Samuel Eliot Morrison

Last edited by jason taylor; 09-12-2019 at 09:11 PM.
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