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Old 07-05-2010, 05:16 AM   #6
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Default Re: A strange question

Originally Posted by tbug View Post
Well I have a question, Professor. I might be running a game or two at a public game day before too long. What are the key things about In Nomine that I should highlight and what should I gloss over? How did you go about deciding what to give people as pre-gens?
I've run IN LARP, but here's what I've found:

Built your pre-gen party as a whole, not as a stack of random types. Have a set of starring roles (vital that players take them) and supporting roles (contribute to the story, but you'll survive if no one plays them). Build the starring roles with some antagonism among themselves, but not too much. A Windy and a Flower, for instance, but not a Malakite of Judgment and an Outcast.

How did I decide? I didn't. I put brief, nonspecific descriptions of each character on the outside of an envelope and let the players chose which envelope they wanted. They were allowed to but discouraged from opening the envelope before choosing. Included in most descriptions was the name of one character who was built as a foil. I suspect the 'foil' thing would be unique to LARP, as characters are supposed to interact more with each other than with the environment.

Key things about In Nomine: Good is defined as unselfish, evil as selfish. Angels (depending on your contrast level) are good, demons evil. Words are powerful but also limiting--Michael is War and on some level can't comprehend a world without it. PC's have more leeway being Wordless, which is why they're on the ground and not the Superiors.

Disturbance. This is a Cold War and nobody wants it breaking out into a hot one. Not even Michael and Baal, because that would lead to winning the War and thus ending it!

Celestial beings are essentially aliens. If any of your players are Supernatural fans, point them to Castiel, and how there are some things he just doesn't comprehend.

That's offhand...
Criminy...these two have enough issues, they can sell subscriptions! (ladyarcana55, in a PM)
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