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Old 08-26-2019, 02:32 PM   #26
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: Conditional Injury with Knowing Your Own Strength

I'm operating on the premise that HP increase roughly at the same rate as damage, on the notion that maintaining a parity between damage and HP will avoid obvious problems of disparities between what you can dish out and what you can take. Thing is, I'm not assuming that damage increases linearly with ST; that's kind of the whole point of Conditional Injury, to put damage and HP on a geometric progression with respect to ST.

Remember that weight is also being recalibrated (by KYOS) to be on an exponential scale; so the relationship between weight and HP is still something to the effect of HP=weight^n; I'm just not sure off the top of my head what n is. I think it's ½.

On the other hand, I'm trying to keep RT, WP, and the equivalent counterpart to DR directly proportional to ST; and as much as possible, I'm trying to get all of the mechanics to work with them instead of dmg, HP, and DR: if I can do that, then I can render moot
the HP-to-RT and dmg-to-WP tables, except for the purpose of converting existing material to RT and WP.

Which reminds me: another table that needs to be changed is the Conditional Effect Table. The Severity column needs to be rescaled so that what's currently -6 becomes -20, and what's currently +6 becomes +20. That's a simple multiple, though: just divide by 3 and multiply by 10. So ±6 becomes ±20, ±5 becomes ±16, ±4 becomes ±13, ±3 becomes ±10, ±2 becomes ±6, and ±1 becomes ±3. Likewise, all of the Injury and Severity modifiers need to be inflated to for the new scale: e.g., the Target Composition modifiers for Unloving go from -2, -3, and -4 to -6, -10, and -13. Heck, all modifiers need to be recalibrated to the 20-step scale.
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