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Old 04-15-2014, 04:51 PM   #11
Join Date: May 2009
Location: In Rio de Janeiro, where it was cyberpunk before it was cool.
Default Re: Projecting Cultures Forward

Originally Posted by tantric View Post
The only thing I have that would work for that is a kind of ancestor veneration->world religion with a canon, syncretic tradition, etc. It's meant to be able to 'withstand' Islam or Christianity.
Maybe their whole system of justice could be hinged on assuming that even the mystic and divine are not miraculous, but all part of natural observable phenomenae, and invest heavily on psitech focused on visiting the "astral" world and communicating with these ancestors.

Maybe they have figured out a way to interact even if rarely using tech with these ancestral spirits and it made a revolution in their society.

Sadly they discover that the realm of science has its own exquisite laws, and the spirits despite claiming that they assist in offering insights, cant teach the secrets that the living are yet to discover thro such vicarious means such as monitored comunication on a plantery scale, its against the rules of the universe.

Specially since its so fun to see how each individual world advances their technology in such unique and exquisite ways ... interferance is certainly for the worse of all. Specially now that they attained a TL high enough for this kind of conversation to be happening.

The spirits would have an endless stream of excuses whenever asked really poignant questions, but would be glad to share all that they can (or sell all that they can, for exquisite prices).

Just a random thought =)
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