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Old 07-09-2010, 12:07 AM   #14
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Location: Olympia, WA
Default Re: Modern (Action!, Cliffhangers, ___ Ops) Weirdness?

My current idea is to try to wed something like MI-5/Spooks with occult investigation and monster fighting- which I guess is fairly Delta Greenish.

What I feel like I need to work on is a coherent cosmology to base my monsters on. I don't really want to run a Cthulhu mythos campaign like Delta Green or something with aliens ala the X-Files or Conspiracy X.

I like the justifications for the supernatural you see in The Atrocity Archives. I'm thinking that you mate that with the general ambiance you get in Cold City and Hot War. Bad guys with a cell structure like in the Esoterrorists would work well with the general concept I have in mind. I'm also liking occult Nazis. What I still need to figure out is what is going to make the monsters tick and what overall feel or tone I want to give them. The human minions are easy, but I'm struggling with the supernatural forces behind them.
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. - George Orwell
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