Thread: Lava Rock
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Old 08-23-2008, 03:42 AM   #1
Moe Lane
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Default Lava Rock

Lava Rock

It is, of course, incorrect to suggest that taking lava rock from Hawaii is somehow mystically bad luck. It's rock: it has all of the supernatural capacity of holding a charge of misfortune as any other piece of rock - in other words, none. This has been tested, many times, by some of the best esoteric engineers on both sides of the War. The results are always the same: lava rock does not cause bad luck. Unfortunately, having more than an ounce of it within ten feet does double the amount of disturbance generated (one reason why Hawaii and Iceland have relatively few Tethers, by the way), so you might understand why that legend got started.

Generally speaking, the celestials most likely to do something about a lava rock possessor are Servitors of Divine Fire, Dark Humor, Judgment, and Factions - but anybody can play, really. It all depends on who notices the human carrying around the disturbance bomb, and whether or not that person is naughty or nice. If they're on the wrong metaphysical side, the celestial pretty much enjoys the option of being able to go out and make that person's life miserable until the human finally mails the lava rock back to Hawaii. Traditionally, that ends the game with that particular human - most demons will actually go along with that, in any but the most high-contrast campaigns; it keeps the angels from getting too worked up on the subject - and the subsequent boost in superstition helps keep disturbance bombs rare, which is nice.

As for whether this somehow boosts the Hawaiian goddess Pele... well, both Jean and Vapula find the question of some interest as a research problem.
Moe Lane

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