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Old 01-27-2013, 12:39 PM   #35
Tuk the Weekah
Join Date: Nov 2012
Default Re: Precise difference between Social Stigmas: Subjugated vs. Valuable Property?

I think that the discrepancy might be cleared with a minor change in wording: Valued property [-10]. My car is much more valuable than my dog. My dog is much more valued than my car.

The value (point cost) of the disadvantage really reflects less the legal status and more the owner's response. A bioroboid designed to do manual labour and a bioroboid designed to emulate my nanny could have the same cost; but damage to one is more likely to be responded to with a shrug than damage to the other. In this case, the Nanny-bot is Valued property and is far more protected (anywhere where I am known) than my Drone-bot.

And by the way, the idea that slave-owners, at any time in human history, thought of the vast majority of the "outside slaves" as being anything other than disposable bits of machinery is not in keeping with the historical record. "Inside slaves" were another thing altogether.
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