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Old 12-07-2022, 10:00 AM   #36
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Explosive Arrows and Ancient Rockets

Originally Posted by Rupert View Post
If you want something that makes sense you'll need a lot more than some rule for how much blast damage a warhead loses to create fragmentation.

For starters, in GURPS the odds of getting hit do not change with warhead size or warhead design (so a crappy cast-steel WWI hand grenade has the same number of fragments as a modern one with a pre-scored wire fragmentation jacket). Aside from any issue with reality this means that the effective casualty zone is the same for almost all warheads because it's the area in which 50% of the occupants are expected to be casualties (assuming even distribution, etc.) or the range at which there's a 50% chance of getting hit, depending on who's definition you use (again with a bunch of assumptions, like the targets being standing in the open, etc.), because warhead size and design does not affect hit chance.
"All models are wrong, but some are useful."

Basically, we currently have some rules for how fragmentation works. We do not have any rules for how much fragmentation you get out of a purpose-built explosive device that isn't already statted out. My suggestion gives you rules for the latter. If you want more realistic/logical/whatever rules for how fragmentation behaves, honestly that's a completely separate discussion, and would apply to all fragmentation stats, both those already published and those that need to be generated in some way. Such rules would certainly be welcome, provided they can be made to be gameable, of course.
GURPS Overhaul
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