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Old 09-03-2017, 04:09 PM   #13
Michael Thayne
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Join Date: May 2010
Default Re: [Powers] The Power of... Gadgeteering?

More abilities on the general "Frickin' Lasers" model. Most need no explanation, though I got a bit creative for Tactical Suit:


Statistics: Afflictions 1 (Advantages, Burning Strike, Penetrating Weapon (5), and Precise Gear +2, +1,540%; Based on Own IQ Roll, +20%; Cosmic, Duration is cumulative, +100%; Delay, Triggered, +50%; No Signature, +20%; Immediate Preparation Required, 2d-1 × 10 minutes, -45%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Guns Only, -60%; Gadgeteering, -0%) [170].


Statistics: Afflictions 1 (Advantages, Corrosive Strike, Penetrating Weapon (∞), and Precise Gear +3, +2,620%; Based on Own IQ Roll, +20%; Cosmic, Duration is cumulative, +100%; Delay, Triggered, +50%; No Signature, +20%; Immediate Preparation Required, 2d-1 × 10 minutes, -45%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Guns Only, -60%; Gadgeteering, -0%) [268].

Gravity Beam

Statistics: Afflictions 1 (Advantages, Crushing Strike, Forceful Blow, Precise Gear +3, and Supreme Control (No Wounding), +1,000%; Based on Own IQ Roll, +20%; Cosmic, Duration is cumulative, +100%; Delay, Triggered, +50%; No Signature, +20%; Immediate Preparation Required, 2d-1 × 10 minutes, -45%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Guns Only, -60%; Gadgeteering, -0%) [116].

Laser-Resistant Armor

This allows you to modify a suit of armor to provide double DR vs. burning damage.

Statistics: Afflictions 1 (Advantages, Fireproof Armor, +340%; Based on Own IQ Roll, +20%; Cosmic, Duration is cumulative, +100%; Delay, Triggered, +50%; No Signature, +20%; Immediate Preparation Required, 2d-1 × 10 minutes, -45%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Flexible Armor Only, -40%; Gadgeteering, -0%) [40].

Tactical Suit

This lets you build a tacsuit that has the weight and DR of a flexible ballistic vest, but which covers your entire body.

Statistics: Afflictions 1 (Advantages, Expand Armor, +220%; Based on Own IQ Roll, +20%; Cosmic, Duration is cumulative, +100%; Delay, Triggered, +50%; No Signature, +20%; Immediate Preparation Required, 2d-1 × 10 minutes, -45%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Flexible Armor Only, -40%; Gadgeteering, -0%) [40].

Last edited by Michael Thayne; 09-03-2017 at 04:41 PM.
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