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Old 11-22-2015, 04:04 PM   #27
Join Date: Jun 2006
Default Re: Being self aware of mental disadvantages

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Where are you getting that fact? I know from personal experience that method works. You've got to put in a huge amount of time, but I'd say most male members of my extended family have found and baptized someone into the LDS church using that method.
I dunno where I learned that, but you should be able to convince yourself pretty easily. Look at growth rates. The LDS probably has the best success rates of anybody that does this, and even if you use the official membership numbers, it adds about 300,000 members a year. With around 90,000 essentially full time missionaries, that's no better than 1 convert per 4 months of full time effort even if all the new members were converted by missions (and presumably some of them are births, in-marriages, walk-ins and the like). If what's probably the most successful program in the world (and while it's maybe debatable if the LDS is really the world's fastest growing church as it sometimes claims, it certainly is in the top few) isn't getting any better results than that, and relatively few other door knockers put in solid months of full time work, well....
MA Lloyd
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