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Old 07-25-2020, 02:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2020
Default Elf Using Take Me! Take Me!

This situation has somehow come up twice for me now, and I still disagree with what everyone else thinks about it.

The situation is 2 players are both level 9, and one of the players is an elf. The non-elf player is in combat with a monster, and is winning. The elf then plays the card Take Me! Take Me! (from Munchkin 3, Clerical Errors), even though the other player doesn't need any help.

The reason this is an issue is because our current interpretation of the elf race is that since the level gained from the card is caused by combat (an elf assisting somebody else in combat), the elf would also win if they were at level 9.

So my first question: Are elves allowed to win in this way? My second question: Can you force a player to accept your help if they are already winning, and wouldn't need help in the first place?
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