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Old 09-06-2020, 01:16 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2013
Default [Spaceships] Creating Sailing Vessels

Hey all,

I'll get right to the point on this one. I'm preparing to run a pirate-themed game where the party is essentially the Scooby gang except that instead of driving a van they're sailing a small vessel, sailing around to various cursed isles and haunted shipyards, solving mysteries and lifting curses.

I need an ocean-going vessel that can be crewed by as little as four people, which I know is possible but none of my GURPS supplements came with any prepackaged (that I'm aware of), so I figured some DaPT from the Spaceships series could help me out. Unfortunately, I don't think that I have the resources at my disposal for a SM+4 purely mundane sailing vessel. Does anyone have a comprehensive list of what books I'd need to make such a ship? Does anyone else have any experience building said ships?

Thanks again for everything. This one is kind of on short notice.

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