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Old 12-03-2012, 03:29 PM   #19
Join Date: Jul 2008
Default Re: Bow - 3 shots in less than 2 turns - In real life.

Originally Posted by Hannes665 View Post
Here is a video showing a modern day archer from Denmark shooting 3 shots and hitting in less than 2 seconds. He has been studying old archery books and "re-discovering" lost techniques for archers.

1. Does this some how wreck the current Gurps Bow skill(s)?
2. How do replicate this with current set of rules from all book available?
I don't think we have rules that permit sequentially firing 2 or more arrows in a single maneuver. Obviously we can explain anything if we allow ATR...

Hmm. How would Extra Attack (Multiattack) interact with rules for reloading as a free action?
Originally Posted by Hannes665 View Post
3. Does his skill level acquire WM Bow? If so why? If not why?
I don't think WM Bow unlocks anything that you can't get just by raising skills or techniques.

What it probably does require (assuming we can't create new rules) is Heroic Archer.
I don't know any 3e, so there is no chance that I am talking about 3e rules by accident.
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