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Old 08-21-2019, 08:54 AM   #46
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Translating the concept of HP from D&D (and the like) to GURPS

Originally Posted by AlexanderHowl View Post
Leveling such as used by the defunct Anima system was alright, but otherwise your point is valid. Of course, when you translate capabilities from D&D to GURPS, a starting GURPS character at 150 CP could TPK a starting D&D party. For example, a 3rd edition 1st level fighter was lucky to have a +5 to attack and a +3 to damage, meaning that they translated to a ST 13 character with a skill of 12 (75% chance to hit, just like a +5 for a D20). A starting GURPS fighter could easily have ST 12, DX 12, and HT 12, Ambidexterity, Combat Reflexes, and Shortsword at DX+10. With two batons, the GURPS character could parry two attacks per turn at 95% success and deal critical damage to one skull per turn with a 50% success. While the GURPS fighter would take damage, they would probably beat to death the entire 3rd edition party in ten turns.
A skill at DX+10 is probably excessive for a [150] character - using a [125] template from the Henchmen DF book and beefing it up a bit is probably a lot more appropriate. I’m also not certain why you’re setting +5 to attack as skill 12 - that 75% is apparently assuming a DnD target wearing padded cloth armor and either having average Dex or being flat-footed, as opposed to a GURPS target that isn’t defending but the character isn’t using Telegraphic Attack. It’s also assuming a single actual attack in the 6-second round. Things might also go differently depending on if you translate the DnD party into GURPS stats and run the encounter that way, or translate the GURPS character into DnD stats and run it that way. Interestingly, I think each side would be at a disadvantage in its own rule set - the DnD party surrounding the GURPS character is a more effective strategy in GURPS than in DnD.

Note the above is a lot like a skilled character going up against a group of (smarter than normal) goblins. Under DnD rules, he/she will probably be fine outside of a critical hit. Under GURPS rules, he/she is in serious trouble.
GURPS Overhaul
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