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Old 11-29-2016, 05:22 PM   #59
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Forest Grove, Beaverton, Oregon
Default Re: Bio-tech related Quirks and Perks

Originally Posted by Owen Smith View Post
Cats and dogs don't live long enough for UV damage to the retina to be a problem. Many birds of prey can see in near UV and they also don't live as long as humans.
It could also be due to our healing ability being more about quickness than completeness. For example, many animals regenerate inner ear hairs, while we cannot. So we lose range and acuity over time and from injury, while they just recover. Humans have some form of that for taste and smell receptors though, so tongue burns won't usually cause permanent loss of taste.

As to vision, a bigger issue is that human vision is insanely acute for a mammal, and only bested by a few raptors. We don't even have many "blue" receptors in and around our mega-sharp fovea, because those wavelengths are a hint damaging too.
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