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Old 07-08-2013, 04:35 PM   #4
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Default Re: [Robots] 4e Conversion

While I'm gonna need a bit to fully go over everything and let it settle in my brain meats I got to say that so for it's looking pretty good. Outside of a few typos (such as as having "A smart tool" written twice under dedicated AI) abut the only thing off I've seen so far is that your sheet is still using 3rd editions way of handling ST and HP.

For ST, 3rd treated it as liner, that is a ST 20 was twice as strong as a ST 10 but in 4th ST is quadratic which means that a ST of 20 is now four(!) times as strong as ST 10. This means that weight, cost and power would scale with the square of your robots ST.

Maybe refigure the chart so weight and what not is per pound of basic lift instead, ST would then be calculated as the square root of basic lift * 5.

Also while a machines HP was based on surface area in 3rd, HP for all things in 4th is figured by the cube root of the objects weight in pounds (at 1G) time a factor based on how structurally sound the object is, a 2 if it's soft and squishy like us, 4 if it's a complex machine or a mostly hollow tube or box of something hard like metal or wood and times 8 if it's just a solid lump of matter. Course this tends to short change machines somewhat since in all reality you have more options on how much you can reinforce one.

One way to handle this would be to take the robots unloaded weight, multiply it's weight by the frame strength modifier you want (that is times 0,25 if ultra light, 0.5 if light and so on) then take the cube root of that and multiply it by 2 if it's a flimsy robot (made out of softer plastics and the like) or 4 if it's made out of more impact resistant stuff.

Alright, that's all I got for now but I gotta say that I like the idea behind this; since it's gonna be god knows when till we get the 4th edition version of Vehicles we might as well make use of what we have for now.
GURB: Ultra-Tech Reloaded

Normies: Man! The government is filled with liars and thieves! Me: Well yeah, here's what they're lying about, what they're stealing from you, and who's doing it. Normies: Rolls eyes Shut up conspiracy theorist Me: >.>
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