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Old 01-21-2018, 08:14 PM   #8
Join Date: Jun 2006
Default Re: Code of Honor (Honesty), point value?

Originally Posted by Sorenant View Post
How much points should the following Code of Honor be worth? It's a mix of softened/limited Truthfulness, Honesty and a few different vows. I eyeball between -5 to -10, more likely the former than the other.
Code of Honor (Honesty): Respect the law, local customs and honorable people. Don't steal or cause material harm to innocents. Keep your word and avoid lies. Do not ignore pleas for sincere pleas for help.
I'd place it at -15, mostly because of that responding to sincere pleas. That has a lot of potential to get you into trouble. For the part that just causes you to behave like a civilized person I'd go with -5.

Uninmportant Context: After reading a few threads about the Honesty disadvantage, I realized I've underestimate how crippling it is.
There's actually quite a lot of disagreement about that - I always point out that the text itself is contradictory - and SJG has consistently failed to clarify it. It does continue to get used in official products as a suggested trait in templates where the more pathological form would utterly cripple the concept of the template though, so I think it's actually rather clear the authorial intent isn't supposed to be nearly as extreme as some people insist it is.

I think most of the extreme interpretations require you to read the first paragraph and stop. It appears much less crippling if you read the rest of it, never mind think about the implications of it needing to be broadly acceptable enough to earn a reaction bonus even in places the laws aren't very popular.
MA Lloyd
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