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Old 01-21-2018, 04:16 PM   #2
Ashtagon's Avatar
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Default Re: Code of Honor (Honesty), point value?

I'm not sure this makes much sense as a Code of Honour, for two reasons.

1) All the existing Codes have an "in-group" to which they would naturally apply, some kind of distinct subculture relative to the wider population. This CoH/Honesty lacks that feature.

2) More importantly, the point cost depends on how much trouble the code would get you into through maintaining the code. Since it's basically "follow the law, or be good where the law is evil", it's basically no trouble at all unless your campaign is set in an inherently evil regime. In contrast, all five of the CoH in Basic contain elements of risk (either physical risk or loss of standing among the CoH's in-group) for the character that are unrelated to the law.

I don't think it's much more than a Quirk. It's basically free points in any campaign that isn't explicitly an "evil PCs" campaign. I'm open to being persuaded otherwise, but for that to happen, you'd need to show me how it could cause disadvantage to a character in a campaign set in a country that has a "good" government.
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