Thread: HEAL spell?
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Old 05-28-2018, 08:56 PM   #8
Join Date: Feb 2018
Default Re: HEAL spell?

Oh, and not to get off topic, but we have found that there are, somewhat, critical IQ levels for heroes and wizards that by default people designing characters will often rest on.

For instance, IQ 11 is popular because illusion, whereas 10 is rarely taken except in passing to 11.. ;)

IQ 14 is popular, if I remember, cuz lightning, besting out 13, etc. etc.

If memory serves, for example, because it just usually doesn't make a lot of sense to be one shy of that very special spell, people rarely take or stay at IQs as wizards, say, of 8, 10, 13 and favor 9, 11, 12, 14, at least in our group.

The same can hold true for heroes.

So my point is, placement of a spell or talent can game the IQs that people will squat on, often then shortchanging some of the other talents or spells because they lie in the twilight zone, so to speak, and just are not attractive enough to take in place of one in the zone nearby.
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