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Old 04-28-2018, 08:45 PM   #29
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Default Re: [Spaceships] Paying more for better system?

Originally Posted by mlangsdorf View Post
I'm coming a little late to the discussion, but in addition to the suggestions already proposed, you could adapt I want to expand on weby's suggestion that you use the existing GURPS equipment quality rules to Spaceships and allow people to buy Fine, Very Fine, or Cheap Spaceship components.
Originally Posted by mlangsdorf View Post
Well, just making it a Genius computer puts you at C7. You could also make it a Compact SM+5 system for C8. That's enough for a IQ 10 volitional AI (Ultra-Tech p 25) or IQ 12 mind emulation (Ultra Tech p 27). With a Talent relating to EW and Intelligence Analysis, it could be effectively IQ 16 for those skills, plus having them at IQ+4 through training.

Alternately, it could just be a plot device that doesn't obey the standard rules.
Here's my attempt of recreating Yukikaze with your enhancements:

FFR-41 Mave "Yukikaze"
Front Hull
1-2		Advanced Metallic Laminate [400K]
3		Medium Battery† [600K]
4-5		Fuel Tank [60k]
6		Defensive ECM [1M]
core		Multipurpose Arrays (Sensitive) [10M]	comm/sensor 7

Central Hull
1-2		Advanced Metallic Laminate (200K)
3-5		Fuel Tank (90K)
6		Defensive ECM (1M)
core		Control Room (Genius;High Capacity) (25.02M) 	C7; comm/sensor 4; two stations

Rear Hull
1-2		Advanced Metallic Laminate (400K)
3		Fuel Tank (60K)
4		Defensive ECM (1M)
5-6		Jet Engine (2M)

+Winged (500K)
+Stealth Hull (500K)

† 1x Fixed Conventional Gun; 2x Turret Missile Launcher
TL 9; SM+6; Streamlined
dST/HP: 30
HT: 12
Hnd/SR: 4/5
Move 20/1750 (7 hours)
LWt.: 100
Load: 0.2
Occ: 2SV
dDR: 10
Cost: $42.83M
I didn't knew exactly how to handle Compact, do I double the CF (Compact Genius computer is worth +248 CF)?
Also, is it possible to have an engine that occupies two slots and say it's a single thing (like Spinal Battery)? It's mostly fluff so it seems probably but by the rules one of the engines could be disabled/destroyed while the other is operational, which would make it strange. Maybe it's "half-destroyed" as in badly damaged: burning, smoking but still somehow operational?

Non-Volitional AI "Yukikaze"
TL9 C7 Base Cost: $10K
Advantage: Soul of the Machine 4 [20] (Based on this advantage from Pyramid, gives bonus to Piloting, Electronic Operation, Gunner, Artillery and Navigation)
Skills: Piloting (High-Performance Airplane) DX+6 [8]; Artillery (Guided Missile) IQ+5 [4]; Artillery (Cannon) IQ+4 [2]; Gunner (Cannon) DX+4 [1]; Navigation (Air) IQ+4 [2]; Electronic Operation (EW) IQ+5 [4]; Electronic Operation (Sensors) IQ+5 [4]
Total CP: 45 (+225$)
Final Cost: $32.5K

While making up the AI I encountered two problems: Can AIs learn DX based skills like Piloting and Gunner? I think there should be one but I couldn't find an upper limit of how many points can an AI have, did I miss it or it really doesn't exist as RAW?

Last edited by Sorenant; 04-28-2018 at 08:53 PM.
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