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Old 05-17-2019, 09:46 AM   #6
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Naturalist vs Alertness for search rolls

How long a search roll takes depends on what the figures are doing.

The first line on ITL 69 is "To determine whether something is seen, the GM rolls
once against the IQ of each character that passes."

So as long as the figures are just walking and are paying attention to their surroundings and their route naturally has them face in a direction long and close enough with enough light, they each get a roll without any particular amount of time spent.

One might read the 6 turns versus 12 turns for a second search as being that after the roll for just being in a place and not being distracted, a 6-turn search lets you search to get another roll, and if that fails to find everything, a second search of 12 turns gets a third roll.

And then one might make that the limit on re-rolls (or one might allow, or pretend to allow several rerolls, but make them harder and harder rolls each time).
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