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Old 02-28-2018, 04:24 PM   #4
Join Date: Jul 2012
Default Re: GURPS Cabal for 4th Edition: Notes and Thoughts

First up, I love the Cabal. I love the feel, I love the idea and the style. I love the network of Passers and Ultors. However, I think it’s very high level (as in very complex) to get a GM to run it, and I’ve had quite a few experiences where games advertised as heavy roleplay devolved into dungeon crawls, or being relentlessly frogmarched from fight to fight.

One thread idea I’d been toying with the idea of making here was a “Passer & Ultor” thread, a bit like the NPCs here - – but for creatures intended to be Passers or Ultors to Cabal characters.

I like the idea that someone gets assigned Passers or Ultors, beings who previously don’t know each other and might not even like each other, but they just have to make the association work. Some could just ignore each other until it becomes time to avenge, others could take proactive steps to help ensure their Passer’s survival – building a relationship. For instance, perhaps the archmage who is made Ultor to a dragon decides teaching said dragon spells is a way of protecting it?

Also there could be a lot of middlemen. For instance, as a Cabalist, I might know my 2 passers, and my 2 ultors… but otherwise my contact with the supernatural world becomes “I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy.” Or rather, “I know a dragon who knows a fey who knows a genie.”
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