Thread: [DF] Encounters
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Old 07-27-2013, 07:47 AM   #16
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Default Re: [DF] Encounters

There's a d20 publisher (the did the Bluffside setting and adventures; IIRC, they sold off the product line to a second publisher, and I don't know about the second) who did adventures with encounters scaled to the party.

Not just the "party higher level than expected" or "more party members than expected," as we've seen used in the DF adventure.

The categories that they used (and note: they didn't apply these to every single encounter; certain encounters are simply easier if you have more of a type, or harder if you don't have any):

Greater Than: For parties that have more or stronger PCs than expected

Less Than: For parties that have less or weaker PCs than expected

Holier Than Thou: For parties with strong or multiple divine casters

Puzzles & Pits: For roleplay-heavy parties

Spell Slingers: For parties with strong or multiple arcane casters

Sword & Shield: For parties with strong or multiple fighters

Treacherous Traps: For parties with strong or multiple rogues


The adventure was for four 2nd-level characters. But, for instance, the first encounter had the Greater Than and the Lesser Than scaling. (Encounter level = 4 characters of that level)

Normal encounter: 1 Shadow Lynx (encounter level 2)
Greater Than: 2 Shadow Lynx (encounter level 4)
Lesser Than: 1 Lynx (encounter level 1)

Next encounter includes a Treacherous Traps scaling. A pit trap, which allows the rogues to find it and nullify it.

And so on. Throw in the occasional "shining" moment for party members (a skill check for a divine caster, to be able to identify a holy object; a trap that only rogues can catch). Scale an encounter up, so it's not easy for parties overloaded in a "niche." Scale down an encounter, so it's not a killer for parties weak in a "niche."
I'm a collector, not a gamer. =)
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