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Old 06-18-2019, 07:53 AM   #4
Join Date: Oct 2018
Default Re: The (Unintentional?) MMO End Game of TFT

It could be played that way but even a 12 IQ character has over 90 talents and over 70 spells available to learn. The talent and spell xp cost does not increase exponentially as attributes do. Plenty of character development potential there.

Also, and to me, this is the big difference between a human GMed game and a computer GMed game, the GM can make in world goals available that fit the players interests. Players can be given the opportunity to take on leadership roles: general, duke, etc and direct larger scale events. A game can develop layers. Experienced characters directing armies while starting characters go on scouting missions for those same armies.

MMOs may be forced to end with a succession of ever bigger stronger boss monsters that require ever more powerful PCs to take them on, but that is due to a computer games inability to handle much complexity. Real life boss monsters arent like that. A human GMed game can be much more realistic and interesting. No typical MMO ending required. Though certainly possible if that is what a group of players and GM wants.
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