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Old 02-10-2019, 09:36 AM   #50
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: [Spaceships] How does large-scale space warfare play out (without superscience)?

Originally Posted by Michael Thayne View Post
L Were situations like that playtested, and if so do you remember how they were run?
I can not say what other people did in any detail. I do not recall any other posts that went over what other people did in detail.

There was a significant amount of "We played Spaceships last Friday and everybody had a great time and the rules seemed to work fine!'. Posts like that are why I don't care so much about putting the "play" in playtesting.

I didn't try anything with massed combatants myself. The closest I came was 10 TL11^ SM+13 "Rebel Cruisers" v. 1 SM+15 "Imperial Dreadnaught." and that was mostly about testing what differences in SM were still viable.

There was very little in the way of maneuvering due to the relative balances of weapon range and damage (X-ray lasers) v. accelerations (single Gs of reactionless thrusters). Once they came into range the units invovled could kill each other much more quickly than they could achieve singificant changes in their relative positions.

If you were going to use masses of small fighters you'd have to group them together somehow just as a matter of practicality. Gurps ahs one mechnic for lumping multiple shots into one die roll. I'm not hugely fond of it myself but it's canonical.
Fred Brackin
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