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Old 11-03-2015, 07:03 AM   #3
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Ellicott City, MD
Default Re: Duration limit for Affliction: Advantage

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
First, we'll need to add Fixed Duration +0% to Affliction to change it from MoS minutes to 3 minutes. Maintaining constant contact is comparable to a duration of only 1 second. To my knowledge, there is no Reduced Duration Limitation. It's arguably fair to make one by using the Extended Duration Enhancement, reading each multiplier as a divisor, and halving (and making negative) the value. A divisor of 180 is right between 100 (-40%) and 300 (-50%), so we'll go with -45%. Technically, this would require Alice to take a Maneuver to maintain it each round, but she wouldn't be restricted by having to keep constant contact (so she could freely Parry, Retreat, and so forth, so long as she gets back into Range C when her turn next comes up). This might be a wash, or we might say it's worth up to +15% or so. So, we're looking at between -45% and -30% for constant contact.
Reduced Duration exists in Psionic Powers, p21. When you fail to meet the next level of a limitation, you take the value of the lower level, not split the difference. Thus, Reduced Duration 1/180 is -40%. You actually did get that value right, fyi.
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