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Old 08-11-2012, 07:39 PM   #4
SolemnGolem's Avatar
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Location: The Hall of Fallen Columns
Default Re: Return of "Cheat"

Another question regarding Cheat.

If you have no Big items, and you Cheat in a Big item that's usable by only one race, does the Cheat eliminate both the race limitation AND the Big size limitation?

In a game last year, one of my players tried to Cheat in a Big item usable by only one race, and we let her. But I warned her that she would not be able to use another Big item, because the cheated item is still Big.

She objected to this ruling and said that the Cheat eliminates all limitations. Her rationale was that if she already had another Big item before attempting to Cheat this item into her pool, the second item's "Big" classification would be ignored.

My counter ruling was that Cheat basically functions to let you bring an item into play without worrying about limitations in playing that item. It does not function as a "pretend this item doesn't exist" card when calculating after-arising items or limitations.

Which ruling is correct?

(In the end my ruling won, because I was the owner of the deck in question, as per Munchkin instruction rules. But this result only came about after a very heated argument which went well beyond the actual rules dispute and included personal attacks - after which I quietly decided I would never play Munchkin with this particular player again.)
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