Thread: New Skills
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Old 07-12-2018, 11:35 AM   #146
Jim Kane
Join Date: Mar 2018
Default Re: New Skills

Originally Posted by Steve Jackson View Post
So how would Reputation work? A sort of extra Charisma limited to situation that were relevant to the reputation and in a place where the character is known? I can see only a few reputations that might play to this: as a honest boss, as an effective agent, as a seriously formidable fighter or wizard, as a total crazy . . . Is there a different mechanic that would be simple and make sense?
I am thinking more along the lines of being defined by a talent, rather than a stat. While we used a reputation rating to represent the *sphere of influence* a character exerted - based on reputation, and expressed in a radius of miles - emanating from the epicenter of their home-base or known familiar-locale if "traveling", it would probably be better to house this effect as a talent.

This would represent when NPCs would begin to hear rumors about *you*, and is the thing - as it grows - which attracts NPCs (those seeking employment, and enemies alike) to the PCs; in addition to modifying reaction rolls, up and down.

As a campaign-mechanic, we used it represent when the local government would begin to take notice of you and your doings, begin to consider you a potential political ally (or threat), when the Goblin King might send out an NPC adventure party out for your head, and essentially the same mechanic that attracted the dragon, Smaug, the horde of gold the Dwarves uneathed... as word spread.

As a direct TFT example, in Guy's GrailQuest, the PCs begin to hear rumors about the Black Knight of Lister Downs 5 days (?) travel from his castle; the *why* they hear about him 5 days travel from his epicenter - and not 6 or 8 - is a reflection (and reaction) to his reputation rating. And, if it gets higher, then the PCs would pick up rumors about him 9 days away, etc.

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