Thread: HEAL spell?
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Old 05-29-2018, 01:29 AM   #14
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: HEAL spell?

Oh, I should add that the other thing a fast healing spell does, is become invaluable and indispensable, making those who have a wizard with it much more capable than those without it. Without them, physickers are already very important to have, but this spell is vastly stronger than physicking. Which means that groups with this spell will be much much more capable that those without.

* Competent leaders of (PC and NPC) groups will want to give great weight and consideration to the availability of healing wizards.
* A leader with injured men facing an enemy that isn't wounded will be wise to try to use healing magic to get fully healed as often as possible. This can get annoying in play.
* Parties will (and should) be doing whatever they can to make sure they have a healing wizard.
* Many players (and NPCs) may become recalcitrant (and with good reason!) about doing anything risky unless a healing wizard is along.
* Wizards who have IQ 14 but no healing spell may be resented by players.
* Wizards with the healing spell may get sick of mainly needing to use their power to heal everyone else all the time.
* Wounded people may resent wizards who do other things with their magic other than heal them first, and in many cases they'll have good reason to.
* There start being some annoying tactics to consider around bringing along more apprentices and (to a lesser degree) using people as Drain Strength subjects to be able to get healed as quickly as possible.
* It becomes relevant to track the fatigue recovery of at least all the people with healing or Aid spells constantly until everyone is healed up.
* And other such side-effects.
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