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Old 08-12-2017, 04:57 PM   #3
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Default Re: Question about Fanaticism

Originally Posted by Anders View Post
If I take Fanaticism for something, that means that I will follow any moral code required for that. Do I get points for that as well?

For instance, take a Fanatic Franciscan who really follows their vow of poverty. Do they get points for Fanaticism and for DoF: Asceticism?

First of all, fanaticism demands unwavering loyalty unto death. So, for example, a local villager might have Fanaticism (Fransicans) and would gladly die for his local monastery, but would not be ascetic.

On the other hand, you cannot fanatically devoted to your Discipline of Faith, because if that was an option, it would imply that people without fanaticism would somehow be less devoted to their disciplines of faith. A disadvantage is, broadly speaking, absolute. If you have a vow of poverty, you need to fulfill that vow all the time, not just when you feel like it. If that vow of poverty means that you'll die, then so be it. That's how it goes. If that seems extreme, note that this is often the consequence of vows to do things like never use a gun in a gun-heavy setting. They're disadvantages for a reason!

So, if you have DoF: Ascetism, then you're ascetic, period. If you violate that, the GM can penalize you, or demand you buy it off, but he can do the same with fanaticism too ("Wait, the friar wants me to do WHAT? Suddenly, I've decided I'm not fanatical anymore. Here's your 15 points, GM"). If you're fanatical, you're fanatical, you're willing to die for something and slavishly obedient to that thing (a fanatical franciscan is more than just really ascetic, he's deeply loyal to the head of his monastery, to the tenets of his faith; good luck getting him to spit on a cross!).

Your broader question is if your fanaticism automatically encompasses traits covered by what you're fanatical towards. Say you're a fanatical Truther, which is a movement that's devoted to always speaking the truth. Do you get Truthfulness? I'd say so, and the Fanaticism more applies to the movement as a whole ("I'll die before I betray my fellow truthers, and also I'll take a bullet for a fellow truther, and if the leader of the truther movement told me to leave my wife, I totally would!")
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