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Old 06-08-2008, 04:27 PM   #9
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Default Re: Using wishing ring against Curse! Rations Spoiled.

I think I've started to reach my limit with Munchkin - just in terms of being able to keep all the rulings straight. Honestly, it's starting to remind me of Magic, in all the bad ways. Nothing personal, Erik, but I really do think it's time to gather and codify the bulk of rulings in an official way, so that everything makes sense and is consistent. There are just too many rulings in too many places over too much time that cover too many things. Unless you live and breathe the game, it's too hard to keep the rules straight.

Consider the example I cited earlier of sacrificing a Hireling for an automatic Run Away. You can't roll to see if you succeed, then sacrifice your Hireling if you don't. That makes sense, and it's a good principle: if you decide to take your chances, you can't go for the auto-out when you fail. However, switch the case to a Curse that requires a roll, and now the answer changes because it's a Curse, and Curses can be canceled after the fact. Well, unless it's a Change Sex, in which case you can remove the -5 penalty, but you've still changed sex - so you only canceled part of the Curse. Oh, and if you're an Orc using your negate-a-Curse ability, that has to be done immediately or not at all, whether it's an insta-Curse or a lasting one.

You know, I hate to say it, but I am increasingly inclined to go by what's printed on the cards, in the rules, and in the errata, and then just go with my gut when a question comes up during a game. It's gotta be easier than trying to keep up with all the individual rulings, and as long as the players have fun, it's all good as far as I'm concerned.
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