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Old 02-23-2008, 05:57 PM   #5
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: San Antonio, TX
Default Re: Gurps World's Largest Dungeon!

Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking.

If you start them off at this level, I recommend making more normal characters; maybe 25 to 50 points, with -50 in disadvantages. Then build up from there.

This diverges it much from Dungeon Fantasy, and doesn't allow for many Racial Templates. One thing I suggest doing is to actually make racial templates "free"... maybe needing to make a random roll to see if they CAN be another race, so the decision isn't in their hands.

Or, maybe, have them start off as normal humans, but they can turn into the racial templates eventually. You can buy a whole racial template!

If you want to get REALLY crazy, go into random rolling! Not for attributes or skills, but CP totals!

Say, let characters have 10+(1d*10) CP. This will make some chars start off stronger than others, but hey. It's *dungeon fantasy*.
She's like the sunrise
Outshines the moon at night
Precious like starlight
She'll bring in a murderous prize
~Blind Guardian


Last edited by Lonewulf; 02-23-2008 at 06:01 PM.
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