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Old 05-07-2018, 02:05 PM   #6
GCA Prime
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Portland, OR
Default Re: Phoenix Sheet: Hide all trait modifiers?

Okay, here's what you do.

First, make sure your copy of Phoenix is the most current. The version I downloaded just now is r67.

Second, make a copy of Phoenix, and name it something obvious, like "Phoenix - no ad-disad mod info.gcs". Edit only this new copy.

Third, use a plain text editor that will show you line numbers, so you'll know what line you're at. Phoenix is tens of thousands of lines long, so finding things for these instructions otherwise is a pain. I believe Notepad++ and TextPad are both free, or have free versions, and work very well. (Notepad++ also allows you to select the language, and setting it to Visual Basic makes editing these .gcs files much easier.)

Now, to the editing.

In your copied file, scroll all the way to line 11,675. It is the red line in this block of code from that area:

			If FnSymbol <> "" Then
				TraitText = TraitText & "{\fs8\~}{\cf2\super " & FnSymbol & "}"
			End If
			TraitText = TraitText & arTrait.ExpandedModCaptions(Options.Value("TemplateAdDisadPrintModValues"))
			If OptionHasFlag("TemplateAdDisadDescriptiveTags", flagDescTagPage) Then
				tmp = Trim(arTrait.TagItem("page"))
All you need to do here is put a single quote mark (') at the front of the text, as shown in the sample block here:

			If FnSymbol <> "" Then
				TraitText = TraitText & "{\fs8\~}{\cf2\super " & FnSymbol & "}"
			End If
			'TraitText = TraitText & arTrait.ExpandedModCaptions(Options.Value("TemplateAdDisadPrintModValues"))
			If OptionHasFlag("TemplateAdDisadDescriptiveTags", flagDescTagPage) Then
				tmp = Trim(arTrait.TagItem("page"))
That comments out the bit that adds the text of the modifiers to the trait name information.

Now, we need to do something similar, but just a bit different, to the next block, which comes earlier in the file. (I did the farther down one first, so that the line numbers I'm giving you won't be affected.)

Scroll up to line 11,601. It is the red line in this block of code from that area:

			'get the modifiers
			tmp = arTrait.ExpandedModCaptions(Options.Value("TemplateAdDisadPrintModValues"))
			If tmp <> "" Then
				tmp = Mid(tmp, 3, Len(tmp) - 3)	'trim parens and preceding whitespace
				rTraitNotes.Append = tmp
			End If
As before, we're going to comment the line out with a single quote mark. However, we're also going to add a new line, for safety, to avoid the code block that follows it as simply as possible.

The commented out line, and the new line that should follow it, are shown here in red.

			'get the modifiers
			'tmp = arTrait.ExpandedModCaptions(Options.Value("TemplateAdDisadPrintModValues"))
			tmp = ""
			If tmp <> "" Then
				tmp = Mid(tmp, 3, Len(tmp) - 3)	'trim parens and preceding whitespace
				rTraitNotes.Append = tmp
			End If
After you make these two blocks of changes, this copy of Phoenix will no longer include the modifiers information from *any* advantage type traits in the trait names (that's templates, ads, disads, quirks, perks). If you want other types to still show those, we have to get a bit fancier with a few more lines.
Armin D. Sykes | Visit my GCA5 blog for updates and previews. | Get GURPS Character Assistant 5 now at Warehouse 23.
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