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Old 02-24-2019, 09:40 PM   #680
Prince Charon
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Default Re: Five Earths, All in a Row

Sorry that this isn't an update. I wanted to call attention to a History Guy episode about some of the often-unsung heroes of WWII, so if you have a bit over twelve minutes to spare, I recommend his video on the Sub Chasers of the Civil Air Patrol.

Of course, things are a little different on Earth Two, as the US entered the war a bit earlier, the public has a better awareness of 'being at war' due to attacks on the continental USA, and the Dsp-USN knows in general that the convoy system saves lives (even if some of them grumbled and dragged their feet on it), so the U-boats aren't having a 'Great American Turkey Shoot' in the Atlantic. U-boats are still dangerous, though, and the new satellites can't spot everything (or more accurately, the people examining them take time to find everything, and only have a few satellites watching a rather large area), so the CAP sub chasers are very much still needed.
Warning, I have the Distractible and Imaginative quirks in real life.

"The more corrupt a government, the more it legislates."
-- Tacitus

Five Earths, All in a Row. Updated 12/17/2022: Apocrypha: Bridges out of Time, Part I has been posted.
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