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Old 12-21-2019, 02:58 PM   #3
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default Re: Is current strength public knowlege?

I could see this being a rule in general, depending on the game and style.

In Melee, this could be used or not. I'd say not just to move the game along and not have to describe how hurt a figure is. It would change tactics however sometimes if it was used. Would the payoff really be worth it? Feh? It would be best to do an encounter with it, but not a general rule.

In Wizard, yeah, being a competitive game, is a must. Probably fair to say it is used for all figures. Perhaps you also cannot tell if someone has a dagger either or other weapons either.

For In the Labyrinth, you are going up against the GM, so yeah you could as it says in the rules it allows you to trick him. However, I find this weird as the figures the GM plays may be smarter and more observant than others. Also, DM's may learn other players style after a while, leading to "tells" of when they are spoofing the magic. For this, I think I would roll it off IQ to see if a figure notices (4/IQ because they are kind of busy in combat!)

Even then, the only time it would matter if you think you could off the wizard with a single blow due to their ST weakness. With wizards, however, this is most of the time anyway.
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