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Old 06-17-2019, 11:49 AM   #52
Join Date: Feb 2016
Default Re: Sol-1 [Infinite Worlds]

The introduction of new technology in American territory is problematic, especially if most research is being done in government funded labs off Earth (computer and biotech research is done in the sterile conditions of space). Your best bet would actually be introducing new technology through an American ally, like Japan or Iran, as their research would mostly avoid American scrutiny. Of course, they will also be doing that sort of research in space.

An interesting alternative scenario would occur if the PCs are federal agents of the USA in Sol-1. They find evidence that the Earth has been infiltrated by human clones that have likely been planted in the USA by alien overlords to subvert the computing and pharmaceutical industries of the USA. When captured and interrogated, the human clones give a patently delusional explanation that they are form parallel universes rather than being planted by alien overlords in prelude to an invasion of the Earth.

As the American government becomes more aware of the human clones and the advanced technology of their alien overlords, there would be a question of how to proceed. If the American government captured a transporter, would they simply send it back to the alien overlords with a warning for the alien overlords not to invade or would they seek to launch a counter intrusion? If they did either, how would Homeline or Centrum react?
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