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Old 07-15-2016, 05:13 AM   #8
Anders's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Default Re: [Sorcery] Those Other Spells...

Thinking outside the box here... how about doing it as an Ally spell? It is a Conjuration spell, isn't it?

You Summon a 25% Ally that can only do this. Give it 25%, buy down IQ and ST to 1, give it the Astral Entity advantage and a Detect advantage. Tell it to roam the area and use its Perception (suitably enhanced) to Detect intruders. Add the Minion Enhancement. Something like this:

ST 0 [-100]; IQ 3 [-140]; DX 12 [40]; HT 6 [-40]
HP 5 [10]; Perception 14 [55]; Will 10 [35]; FP 6 [0]; Basic Speed 3.00 [0]; Basic Move 3 [0]; Size Modifier -4 [0]
Advantages: Astral Entity [171]; Detect (Creatures; Vague, -50%) [10]; Telecommunication (Cosmic: No Die Roll Required, +100%; Limited: Only "detection" yell, -80%; Broadcast, +50%) [51]
Disadvantages: Cannot Learn [-30]; Mute [-25]; No Manipulators [-50]
Skills: Stealth-12 [2]
Point Cost: -51 points

Ally (25% or less; all the time x4; Disappears once used once, -80%; Extended Duration x3000, +140%; Limitation: Only for guard duty, -50%; Minion, +50%) [7]

Once it detects anything, it lets off a telepathic scream with a range of 200 yards (that's all its IQ allows) and disappears. It can be spotted by anything that can see Invisible, but it's small and stealthy, so even they have a hard time doing so.
“When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love ...” Marcus Aurelius
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