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Old 05-16-2014, 04:31 AM   #27
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Brighton
Default Re: Capping Skill Default Levels

Originally Posted by Sindri View Post

Points spent aren't relevant. The points in a skill are spent so a character is an expert in one thing. Whether they get to be an expert in another thing as well without spending any time mastering it won't diminish the first skill. The attribute likewise is buying plenty with it's purchase of higher trained skill levels. A level of 20 is also not important in itself but just chosen as an example.
I think think this is going to come down to who close you think certain skills are to each other.

I have no problem with saying that when it come to closely related skills being an expert in one means it pretty likely you'l be really, really good at another. This is is especially true of the probably overly precise family of melee skills.

As to your general point about it not being about the points, a skill of 24 brought up from base attribute 10 is what 67 for an average skill. A cost that is based on the current assumption of how defaulting works as well. So if you do decide to further penalise defaulting you have just given that person less for their 67 pts. I.e the points cost is already includes the familiarity defaults and isn't just to be an expert in one specific area.

Accordingly if you were to makes defaults worse, I think you need to reduce the number of skills to counter balance that.
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