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Old 10-04-2018, 09:54 AM   #5
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: RPM vs basic magic

Originally Posted by FeiLin View Post

I'm not expecting anyone to verify my math,"?
You might be doing at least some of that wrong.

With IQ 14 and Magery-4 the effective IQ to learn Spells is 18. Putting 1 pt in a H Spell gets you level 16 and VH gets you a 15. Remeberign this is a big shortcut in doing Magic.

So 1 pt in the 3 prepeqs to Firebal gets you those spells at 16 and Fireball-16 is also 1pt. Explosive Fireball at 15 is also 1 pt. After you pt 1 pt into each of 8 prereqs for Summon Water Elmental you also get that at 16 for 1 pt. I only get 13pts spent.

Ritual Magic is somewhat harder to figure mostly because of prerequisite counts.

Either Ritual Magic or Thauamtology are VH Skills but Magery adds to IQ in figuring their levels. So it's 1 pt to get either of them at 15 or 2 pts for 16 and so on.

If the "no double defaults" rule is in effect for Ritual Magic Spells you need at least 1 pt in a College Skill you want to cast spells from. After you do that you can cast any spell from that College that you want to at College Skill with a penalty equal to the Prereq count.

So say that Ritual Magic is the relevant Skill you need to put 2 pts into that and then each College skill to get those at 16. Then if you use the prereq counts in Magic (which may have been altered by Errata) for those 6 pts you can cast Fireball at 16-4 or 12-, Explosive Fireball at 16 - 5 or 11- and Summon Water Elemental at 16 -9 or 7-.

Those rolls may be bought up indivdually as Hard Techniques. That would be 5 pts to get Fireball-16-, 4 pts to raise Exploive Fireball to 14- and 8pts to get Summon Water Elemental up to 15-. That appears to add up to 23 pts.

However, the Ritual Magic Mage can attempt any Spell in Fire or Water at a penalty of the prereq count. So he is theoretically more versatile (though not always reliably) .

So RM is not a good way gnerally to get just a few Spels at specific levels. It might be better at geting you at least _some_ chance of casting many spells.

I have never actually used RM, moslty for these reasons and I haven't heard of many other doing it either.
Fred Brackin
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