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Old 12-27-2017, 09:37 PM   #8
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Medford, MA
Default Re: GT: ISW Jump rolls

Originally Posted by Mike Wightman View Post
Having four rolls just means you are making the chance of a successful jump much less likely, which is contrary to how it works in Classic Traveller.

I can imagine that the early Terran jump ships require a highly skilled crew, but as they gain more experience with jump technology and learn from the Vilani they are likely to quickly cease to require rolls.
There are two interesting points according to GT:ISW
1) "If the process of planning and executing a jump is performed under routine conditions (the ship is not under fire, the ship is well-maintained, and there are no penalties to any of the rolls) then skill rolls may not be necessary. Under such circumstances, any crewman with at least 12 in one of the requisite skills can perform the associated task, assuming success without having to make the roll." Pg 171.
So, under routine circumstances no one has to roll at all.

2) The Vilani use jump tape that take them from one star to the next...but they can only go to places they have jump tape for. if they misjump they will be stranded. Or if they end up somewhere they don't have the jump tape out of. The Terrans hand calculate all jump courses...I don't imagine that the Terrans (at least in the ISW era) would ever adopt the Vilani method. The Vilani are safer but less flexible. The Terrans a bit less safe but more flexible. details on pg 170.
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