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Old 01-21-2019, 07:19 PM   #99
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Default Re: New use for XP - Heroic Exploits

Originally Posted by hcobb View Post
Focus(S) This spell comes in the same five levels as Staff at the same IQ levels.

Any wizard can have a focus or a staff at any given time, but not both.

The focus doesn't have the occult strike of a staff and generally isn't a weapon at all. Instead it has the following two powers:
  • Find Focus - The wizard concentrates for one turn and on a succesful IQ roll knows which of the six directions his focus is in. Roll is 3/IQ for a ten yards or less, add one die for each ten fold increase in distance. On a critical falure roll a random direction.
  • Concentrate - The wizard spends a minute staring at his focus then may cast any one turn spell he knows at the average of IQ and DX (round down) instead of DX. Add one to IQ before averaging for each level of Focus above I. (I.e. IQ +4 for Focus V, which is +2 for the final roll.)
Interesting idea, but I'm going to stick with my non-spell approach. I already have a spell called 'Imprint' that would have a similar effect to 'Find Focus' (using Scrying), but I'd like to borrow 'Concentrate' if that's OK with you.

Right now there are two other foci-related portfolios that I'm working on and like your suggestion, wizards will only be able to select one of them; arcane (staff), divine or familiar.
“No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.” -Vladimir Taltos

Last edited by TippetsTX; 01-21-2019 at 07:36 PM.
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