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Old 01-20-2019, 05:43 PM   #95
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Default Re: New use for XP - Heroic Exploits

Originally Posted by Skarg View Post
I wonder a bit about what it means in the game universe logic that there are these powers limited to 5 and possibly costing congruent XP, but being disparate things like super-jumping, healing, using staff magic, etc?

And more practically, what do the characters know about the limits and means of acquiring these powers, and what's their theory/thinking about what/why that is the case, and do they (and/or how) choose to acquire them and then do so?

i.e. Does Sambo the Adventurer know he can develop up to five super-powers split between those various things, and that there will be the trade-offs the player can see about whether to get multiple paths or concentrate which will impact how quickly he can get them? How would I think about that as a player wanting to immersively roleplay my characters' decisions?
I'll have to give this more thought, but my intent is that Powers should only be made available at the discretion of and with guidance from the GM. And while odd mis-mashes of lower tier powers from different portfolios is certainly possible, doing so will limit the player character's access to more powerful abilities as well as the increased potency of Powers they initially selected.

Another approach, I suppose, could be to allow GMs total control over when Power unlocks occur (i.e take character XP out of the equation entirely), but I dislike the removal of player choice in the ultimate design of their characters.
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