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Old 12-07-2017, 02:30 AM   #133
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Default Re: What will you not allow?

Originally Posted by johndallman View Post
Games -- mostly GURPS -- where characters are a fairly fixed group, and tied to a world. I've played two THS campaigns, where it would not have been ridiculous for characters to cross over, but they were in different parts of the solar system, and had different GMs. In the same way, it would not have been utterly ridiculous for characters from a 1930s horror setting to show up in the WWII campaign, or WWII characters to show up in a campaign in the 1960s, but it's now clear they are all in separate worlds, under the same GM.
Speaking as that same GM, I know that I tend to revisit certain themes (lowish-powered occult investigation in a historical setting), but I'm a sucker for pivotal moments, and for the PCs being the most important people in the story; both of those point to the campaigns being stand-alone.

Of course, some of the same historical people might show up in 1930 and in 1944, but as with Dr Kromm they'll be different instances of those historical people. Chances are I'll give them similar personalities, since I try to base them on what I can find out about them in the real world.
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