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Old 07-05-2019, 05:12 AM   #5
Join Date: Nov 2017
Default Re: Increasing the Cost of Purchasing Spells

Originally Posted by zot View Post
In a free(-ish) market, supply and demand would drive the prices down. Wizards would undercut each other to get business, especially if there are a lot of people in need of regeneration -- the more in need (and the poorer they are), the more opportunities for wizards to undercut each other to use this risk-free spell. Market forces should drive the price in line with every other 30 ST spell.

The Wizards' Guild might like to force the price high but that would require the guild to police the use of the spell (which would be costly and eat into their dues).
Well, sometimes it would work that way. Assuming that it does though, how many IQ 20 wizards are there to compete with? And if it were the case, shouldn't they make more per week on the job chart than like $50 more than the next lower category?

I think SJ tried to balance what a PC could earn by not adventuring with what the NPCs make. Which leaves it being easy to play, but ridiculous in application. I mean, a town wizard just needs IQX...they still make the same money a week if they have all combat spells or all helpful moneymaking spells. It just doesn't make a lot of sense.
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