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Old 06-11-2012, 08:46 AM   #16
Not another shrubbery
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: Attribute N/A, Useful concept or not?

Originally Posted by munin View Post
An IQ 10, Will 0 sapient being is perfectly possible, both by GURPS rules and by "can I imagine it and thus it should be representable?". Consider a sapient computer program with no willpower. Also, certain effects could reduce anyone's Will to 0 temporarily without removing their sapience (like a super truth serum).
DJ's point still looks valid, though. A hypothetical IQ 10, Will 0 sapient still looks more like a 'thing' than a person to me.
The real point is that it's perfectly legal to have a character with attributes or secondary characteristics of zero (well, maybe not HP) who can still attempt things based on those scores, but someone with n/a can't, and that's a difference worth being able to represent. With DX 0 you can still attempt routine tasks (at +10) like grabbing a doorknob, but with DX n/a you can't.
That's true, as per FAQ 3.1.5. The way ST 0 and IQ 0 work, like qualitative nulls [although ST has that curious exception for your own body weight], makes me think that maybe DX should be treated similarly. That's what has me wondering if it's worth it to just chuck the 'N/A' tag, making zero level atts fill the role. That reduces nomenclature clutter, although there might be some negative repercussions WRT certain powers or builds that I'm overlooking.
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