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Old 06-11-2012, 02:12 AM   #14
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Default Re: Attribute N/A, Useful concept or not?

Originally Posted by sir_pudding View Post
My basic problem with it is that 0 attributes are serious disadvantages that come with a whole mess of baggage (ST 0 means you can't manipulate anything, IQ 0 forbids anything involving mentality or volition at all, and so on). They clearly aren't 0 point traits and equivalent to a score of 10.

Able has an ally with IQ 10 [0], Betsy has an ally with IQ N/A [0], and Charlie has one with IQ 1 [-80].
  • Able can talk to his ally, and interact with it like a person.
  • Charlie's ally can act on it's own instictively like an insect, or according to preprogramed instructions.
  • Betsy's ally cannot act at all, and must be controlled in some fashion (CM: Controls, Possession, whatever) that itself costs more points.

Why does Betsy have to pay more points than either for a less functional Ally?
I'm actually not arguing for IQ N/A to replace IQ 0. There certainly could be traits where N/A wouldn't be appropriate. For instance, ST N/A and Will N/A could make sense, as those are traits that are commonly used in opposed rolls, while IQ N/A typically isn't. My main point is actually that, if you're including Attribute N/A (which I'm not yet convinced is a good idea), it should be distinct from Attribute 0.

Also, Attribute N/A probably wouldn't be a purchasable "level" the way Attribute 0 or 1 is, but rather a result of other traits (probably disadvantages) possessed by the character. So a computer AI that has no physical form, and thus has ST N/A, might get points back for that disadvantage, but not for selling down ST (which feels to me like a point crock). This is distinct from a bacteria with effectively ST 0, since it does have a physical form, and gets full points for how vulnerable it is (though its tiny SM makes it very difficult to find).

Last edited by vierasmarius; 06-11-2012 at 02:22 AM.
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