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Old 04-08-2020, 07:29 PM   #3
World's Worst Detective
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Default Re: Modular Powers: a flexible powers/magic system

Originally Posted by AlexanderHowl View Post
My primary issue with it is that it is more complex than a comparable Modular Ability. For example, I could take Modular Abilities 8 (Slotted Cosmic Powers; Physical, +50%; Trait-Limited, Alternative Abilities, -20%) [62], which would have the same utility, and we are not talking about any cheesiness with the design, and it is only 102 CP total with Flight [40]. Alternatively, if you had Enhanced Move (Flight) [40] and Flight [40], you would want Modular Abilities 8/8 (Slotted Cosmic Powers; Physical, +50%; Trait-Limited, Alternative Abilities, -20%) [124], which would allow for a lot of flexibility, for only 204 CP total.
That's fair. I could incorporate the same Trait-Limited, Alternative Abilities, -20% limitation for a reduction in price. But you're also right about an issue inherent with Modular Abilities: the price for mental vs. physical vs. both. I could just slap on other modifiers to my system, but that might even be fair for the Limited Scope limitation already there. However, I didn't consider that distinction because Sorcery doesn't consider the distinction, so it was something that I missed.

And there isn't any cheesiness with my design outside of saying that Modular Abilities could actually hold Alternative Abilities, which seemed technically allowable but probably not in the spirit of things.

Otherwise, yes, you're just approaching the same thing with a more detailed approach whereas I am trying to get a quick barebones system available for those who don't want to spend too much time thinking about modifiers and point costs—for example, my players.

So, Modular Powers would be Modular Abilities (Slotted Cosmic Powers; Physical, +50%; and Trait-Limited, Alternative Abilities, -20%) for 9.1 points for the first level, + 6.5 points/level. That's what you described, and it just leaves out the other +50% on Physical to also have mental powers and the +20% from Reduced Time like Sorcery. Modifiers: Limited Scope, variable; Mental, +40-ish%; Reduced Time, +20%, etc.

Of course, you could go even more barebones. Just use Modular Abilities (Trait-Limited, Alternative Abilities, -20%) for 5.6 points for the first level, + 4 points/level as the base. It just works for mental abilities. Modifiers: Limited Scope, variable; Physical and Mental, +100%; Physical Only, +50%; Reduced Time, +20%, etc.

I would rather approach it from the other direction, starting with something less barebones for simplicity. And I apologize if my tone sounds argumentative—I'm just trying to explain that we're doing the same thing from different angles. And I actually really appreciate your reply because it has pointed out some things I will be thinking about for the Modular Powers design. It probably would've been a bit fairer to call it Modular Sorcery as it leans way closer to that simpler design than starting from the ground up.
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